A Developer
Yash Ukalkar
Hi, I am Yash Ukalkar! A web developer primarily but I do Machine Learning stuff as well. 3D web is very intriguing to me at the moment. I am currently a final year Bachelor's student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering at VIT Bhopal.
Vellore Institute of Technology
CGPA - 8.35
[ 2020 - 2024 ]
This project is a web chat application that I am working on. It facilitates messaging with translation so the language barrier no longer exists!
Techstack - ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Postgresql, SocketIO, ExpressJS.
This is a web interface for displaying a student's school work like course books, video lectures, etc. This was a project for the Smart India Hackathon 2022
Techstack - ReactJS, SCSS
It is a website that lets you know if your exercise form is correct using the laptop's camera. It was a University level AI Hackathon project and currently works for laptop screens only.
Techstack - ReactJS, TailwindCSS, TensorflowJS
A chat application where you can translate messages to the language of your choice and helps remove the language barrier. This is an older version made for a project course.
Techstack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, SocketIO
This was my first frontend project where I tried to remake the Neuralink website with responsiveness.
Techstack - HTML, SCSS, JavaScript
• Smart India Hackathon 2022, Winner - PSID: AK1091
• UNESCO India Africa International Hackathon 2022, Finalist
• Winner, HackExchange AdVITya (Intra-University AIML based
hackathon event)